
„On the right track to becoming a normal citizen“ Probation for Syrians after ra – Memes

„On the right track to becoming a normal citizen“ Probation for Syrians after rape – judge argues with compensation for pain and suffering judge holds a judge’s gavel in the courtroom, Getty Images Saturday, In July 2022, a drunk Syrian raped a 15-year-old in Osnabriick. The verdict was passed this Friday: probation. The reasoning of the court: The man is on the way to becoming a normal citizen and the girl would at least get compensation for pain and suffering. „You are well on the way to becoming a normal fellow citizen here,“ says the judge at the end of the trial against a 30-year-old man from Syria. He was accused of drunkenly raping a 15-year-old in Osnabrtick. The court established this without a doubt. Nevertheless, the man gets away with a suspended sentence and compensation for the victim. The „Neue Osnabriicker Zeitung“ reports on this. ‚Possibly poked‘: Defense attorney blames rape on alcohol „It was the first time that I drank alcohol says the 30-year-old in court. „Maybe he was pricked by the alcohol,“ argues his defense attorney. The fact is that on the way home from a discotheque, the Syrian met the girl who was on her way to see her boyfriend. In Mdserstrasse he asked her for a cigarette, smoked it and talked to her as far as his language skills allowed. He later pushed her against a wall, fumbled with her and didn’t let go of the girl when she fled into a stairwell. Eventually, he used force to rape the girl. The man could not explain what he did.

„On the right track to becoming a normal citizen“ Probation for Syrians after ra – Memes Read More »

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