
It’s a big club and you ain’t in it News website of la an Su us The News Opinion – Memes

It's a big club and you ain't in it News website of la an Su us The News Opinion

It’s a big club and you ain’t in it News website of la an Su us The News Opinion Sport Culture Lifestyle Dalai Lama Dalai Lama apologises after kissing boy and asking him to ’suck his tongue‘ Interaction at temple in India seen in video that has gone viral condemned as ‚inappropriate‘ and ’scandalous‘ Hannah Ellis-Petersen in Delhi ‚Mon 10 Apr 2023 04.41 EDT few The Dalai Lama has apologised after he faced allegations of inappropriate behaviour after kissing a young boy on the lips and asking paedophile dalailama wtf 10

It’s a big club and you ain’t in it News website of la an Su us The News Opinion – Memes Read More »

Thanks Will, Keep it Crispy @oldmanweldon I miss criticism where Ebert would be – Memes

Thanks Will, Keep it Crispy @oldmanweldon I miss criticism where Ebert would be

Thanks Will, Keep it Crispy @oldmanweldon I miss criticism where Ebert would be like „Five minutes in I was longing for a mass shooter to enter the theater“, the director would call him fat and tell him to suck his dick, and Elbert would respond with „unlike your movie, someone might actually find that ending satisfying“

Thanks Will, Keep it Crispy @oldmanweldon I miss criticism where Ebert would be – Memes Read More »

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