
Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, Feoruary 25, 2009: – Memes

Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, Feoruary 25, 2009:

Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, Feoruary 25, 2009: „Once the herd accapts accept anything ~ forcible blood or organ can genetically modify children and sterilize them „for the greater good“. good, Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make many of you in this room are billions, Anei lnvestors. big win-win, We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for

Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, Feoruary 25, 2009: – Memes Read More »

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